This is my life... such as it is

Everything you've ever wanted to know about me... and more

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Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

I'm Pagan, love children

Thursday, April 13, 2006

A boring life

I've been taking a real look at my life and relize that I am boring... Everything about me is boring.... my life, my looks, even my job has become boring... maybe that is why I spend so much time daydreaming about excitement... like being a singer, or writer, or an archeologist, only I cant... I have come to the conclusion that my life's path is to be a liquor store clerk... seeing as I don't do anything good... everybody has something they are really good at... but I can't seem to find anything I'm good at....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


yesturday was interesting... I was coming out of city center when this guy I had never met approached and tried hitting on me by acting like he knew me.... LOL.... of course he didn't but he still gave me his name and phone number but of course I tossed them.... saw a desturbing CSI Miami last night it was a repeat but it was about a child molester who kills little girls and buries them in his backyard.... it made me worder if we will ever be able to truely stop sicko's like that...

signing off